Thursday, April 15, 2010

Magic and Magician

The hand is not really quicker than the eye. The skill of the magician is in getting an audience to focus its attention where he wants it at a specific instant. The success of magic lies in the ability to create illusions that have the appearance of reality.

For thousands of years it was believed that magicians or sorcerers were able, by use of supernatural powers, to gain control over natural forces. Magic was, therefore, closely allied with religion. A king's personal magicians were supposedly able to make it rain, ward off enemies, prevent and cure diseases, cast spells on an invading army, and most significantly gain the favor of the gods.

From the days of ancient sorcerers to the present-day feats of such master illusionists as Harry Blackstone, Jr., Doug Henning, and David Copperfield, magic as entertainment has surpassed the appeal of magic in religious ritual. There are ancient Egyptian records giving details of performances before Pharaoh Cheops, who died about 2494 BC.