Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chessa, on Your Birthday,
I Have So Many Wishes for You

I wish for you to have
people to love
people in your life
who will care about you
as much as I do

Blue skies and clear days
exciting things to do
easy solutions to any problems
knowledge to make the right decisions

Strength in your values
laughter and fun
goals to pursue
happiness in all that you do

I wish for you to have
beautiful experiences
each new day
as you follow
your dreams

Thats all chessa

By: Ben

Monday, November 16, 2009


The mount Apo area is the
last remaining territory

of the Philippine Eagle in the country.
On the island it is
possible to make an

excursion into the
tropical rain forest to

discover the Philippine eagle,
the National Bird of the Philippines,
which is known as
the monkey
eating eagle.

Lapu Lapu, the national hero

There was great resistance of the local people.
In the battle that took place that day,
the locals with their leader Lapu Lapu succeeded in
forcing the Spaniards to retreat to their ships,
after their leader, Magellan, was killed by the spears
of the Lapu Lapu warriors.
Lapu Lapu became
the first Filipino hero.

zamboanga city the little spian at philippines

Quetal Ustedes

From the moment you hear those lifting words, you realize it’s true. Here indeed is a quaint pocket of history torn from mainland Spain. A place unlike any other in the Philippines. While Spain’s three-century reign left its indelible imprint on the country, nowhere was its legacy perhaps so concentrated and embedded than in Zamboanga, which took for its native tongue, Chabacano, the delightful mix of 60% Español and 40% native words. There is more to Zamboanga than this. As far back as the 13th and 14th centuries, it was already a trading center with a vibrant culture of its own, emblazoned against the horizon in the vivid colors of the native vinta sails that fluttered gaily off its shores. And when the Castillan flag of Spain first appeared in the horizon off Caldera Bay now Recodo in 1593, Zamboanga opened another epoch in its colorful heritage, one that would leave a legacy so rooted that from it would spring much of the city’s romance and allure. The best recuerdo of la presencia de España in Zamboanga was and remains to be Fort Pilar, the coastal fort built in 1635 around which the city first grew. In time, it became a shrine to Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza, especially after miracles that are now part of legends and Zamboanga folklore. It was in Zamboanga that Christianity gained a foothold in Mindanao. The Archdiocese of Zamboanga covered all of Mindanao, except Sulu where Islam and the Tausug culture proved every bit as dynamic as Spain’s influence


Sunday, November 8, 2009



Born on december 13 1991...

A college student at Asian international college taking up diploma in culinary arts...

Im the second of the eldest...

You can call me ben just for short and benrazer if you want long...

(subukan niyo akong tawaging ninja patayin ko kayo)


i have one eldest brother one little brother and 1 sister...

hmmmm me im just the one who helping people and the one who is helping my family...

Im not a kind of person that wishing to have a beautifull girlfriend...

You see the picture! thats my friend the one i trusted and i love like my sister...

Im bad like they say im no one say ir because there afraid of me...

No im not bad im a good boy like my father if you want to now me just go to my address hehehehe...

Im nice to the people who are nice to me but if your not nice to me just be carefull....

I LOVE apples like green apples...

thats my favorite fruit and my favorite color are black green and white...

Im a islam boy i loveALLAH...

ALLAH helps me everyday, everyhour, everyminute...

Im the boy who in love with that girl but i dont no but no chezza or who else that saying my

co-pilipinos... heheheh but its ok... there are my friends....

Thats me if you want to now me better just go to thats my website....

Be carefull dont be shock if what will you see...

hehehehe have a nice day...

LOVE U ??????

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Hero Dad

The Hero Dad

You are my hero Dad
You're my secure foundation.
When I think of you, I'm filled with love
And fond appreciation.
You make me feel protected
I'm sheltered by your care.
You're always my true friend
When I need you, you're always there.
You have a place of honor
Deep within my heart.
You've been my superhero Dad
Right from the very start

The Sweetest Mother

The Sweetest Mother

Our mother is the sweetest and
Most delicate of all.
She knows more of paradise
Than angels can recall.

She's not only beautiful
But passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wise
As one who has lived long.

Her love is like the rush of life,
A bubbling, laughing spring
That runs through all like liquid light
And makes the mountains sing.

And makes the meadows turn to flower
And trees to choicest fruit.
She is at once the field and bower
In which our hearts take root.

She is at once the sea and shore,
Our freedom and our past.
With her we launch our daring ships
Yet keep the things that last.