Thursday, April 15, 2010

Magic and Magician

The hand is not really quicker than the eye. The skill of the magician is in getting an audience to focus its attention where he wants it at a specific instant. The success of magic lies in the ability to create illusions that have the appearance of reality.

For thousands of years it was believed that magicians or sorcerers were able, by use of supernatural powers, to gain control over natural forces. Magic was, therefore, closely allied with religion. A king's personal magicians were supposedly able to make it rain, ward off enemies, prevent and cure diseases, cast spells on an invading army, and most significantly gain the favor of the gods.

From the days of ancient sorcerers to the present-day feats of such master illusionists as Harry Blackstone, Jr., Doug Henning, and David Copperfield, magic as entertainment has surpassed the appeal of magic in religious ritual. There are ancient Egyptian records giving details of performances before Pharaoh Cheops, who died about 2494 BC.

The School of Hospitality is the first school to be established in ATI College offering academic and skills programmes that are very much sought after by aspiring hoteliers. Students will be trained both in operational and managerial skills to prepare them to take up the challenges posed by the hospitality industry.

The School of Culinary is the most popular school in ATI College offering various academic and skill programmes for students aspiring to become Chefs. The school aims to expose and train students with the relevant skills and knowledge in food preparation.....

ATIC (Asian Tourism International College)

Asian Tourism International College or better known as ATI College was established as the only college specializing in hospitality, tourism and culinary studies in Sabah, Malaysia. Our doors are open to students of various nationalities who seek to enter a college that provides unrivalled quality education in hospitality, tourism and culinary.

Most boys Want Girl Friend

Most boyz want a gf hu is
but 4 me, two things only its OK to me...

she can make me smyl n she will
nvr make me Cry T_T.. HUHUHUhu

Coca Cola..

In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. John Pemberton concocted the Coca Cola formula in a three legged brass kettle in his backyard. The name was a suggestion given by John Pemberton's bookkeeper Frank Robinson.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Alcoholic Drinks...

Alcoholic beverages are consumed in most countries of the world. Each nation has laws that regulate their production, sale, and consumption. In particular, such laws specify the minimum age at which a person may legally buy or drink them. This minimum age varies between 16 and 25 years, depending upon the nation and the type of drink. Most nations set it at 18 years of age.